The largest part of the eye is called the vitreous humor—”vitreous” means having attributes of glass. In my work the opposite is also often true; that glass has attributes of the body and the organic. Much of my work is based on imperfect, interconnected organic systems that take the form of bone, plant tendrils or blood vessels being gently pulled on by fluid or gravity.

The Other Others | Blown glass and steel | 18 x 30 x 10 inches

Manifold | Blown glass, steel, and epoxy | 60 x 84 x 24 inches

White Tangle | Blown glass and steel | 25 x 3 x 10 inches

Dilated Vein | Blown glass and steel | 19 x 24 x 7 inches

Malocclusus | Blown glass and steel | 41 x 30 x 24 inches

Outgrowth | Blown glass, steel, and epoxy | 12 x 18 x 24 inches

The Augur | Blown glass and steel | 40 x 25 x 18 inches

Queen | Solid glass and steel | 10 x 13 x 6 inches

Untitled (Blue Trumpets) | Blown glass, steel, and epoxy | Dimensions variable

Conjoined Ring | Blown glass and steel | 9 x 13 x 6 inches

Untitled (Clear Tangle) | solid glass and steel | 31 x 13 x 11 inches

Bloomburst | Blown glass, steel, and epoxy | 51 x 72 x 14 inches

Widowmaker | Blown and solid glass, steel, and epoxy | 44 x 67 x 19 inches

Untitled (Cut) | Solid glass and steel | 5 x 16 x 4 inches

The Others | Blown glass and steel | 19 x 30 x 14 inches

Untitled (Blue Green Tangle) | Blown glass and steel | 47 x 22 x 22 inches

Untitled (Two Part Amber) | Blown glass and steel | 29 x 9 x 9 inches

Bloom | Blown glass, steel, and epoxy | 30 x 24 x 13 inches